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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways to Make Your Barber or Stylist Hate You

 Apparently, there are a lot of ways to make your barber or stylist mad.  Of course, you don't want to anger the person who has your looks in their hands, so I offer, as a public service, even more ways to make your barber or stylist hate you so you'll know what not to do in the salon.

Having Unrealistic Expectations
This is a big one. When seeking a change, be realistic in what you are looking for.  The person who is cutting your hair is not a magician and, while we can often achieve small miracles, we certainly can't give you hair you don't have.  Brining in a photo is one way to help ensure you'll get a better haircut, but make sure to choose a model with similar hair and features as your own.

Being Stinky
Nobody wants to deal with someone who is stinky, so if you smoke or work out before coming for a haircut, it is always a good idea to shower or freshen up a bit.  If you're stinking, you can rest assured your barber or stylist will be trying to get you out of their chair as fast as possible.

Cheap Tipping
Knowing how to tip your barber or stylist is important as tips are a significant portion of their income.  Sure, you're paying for a haircut, but a good tip should reward your haircutter for doing a great job (the better the job, the bigger the tip).  I would never give someone a bad haircut, but you can bet I'll go the extra mile for those I know to be great tippers (and the cheapskates will certainly receive less attention). 

Asking to Make it Shorter
Of course, throughout most haircuts, the client will probably ask for adjustments and that's fine.  But, it is important to have a clear idea of the length of haircut you want before you sit down.  Should adjustments need to be made, suggest them during the cut.  If you wait until the end of the service and say, "can you take a little more off?" that will normally require cutting most of the head again. Asking for more to be taken off after your barber or stylist has completed the entire haircut is a sure fire way of ending up with a rush job.

Being Late to Your Appointment
I love clients who make appointments as it allows me to pace myself throughout the day and spend ample time with each customer.  When a client runs late, I can normally accommodate him, but I have to work faster to make up for lost time if I want to stay on schedule for the rest of my appointments.  Of course, we all realize that stuff happens which is sometimes out of the client's control, but I recommend calling ahead if you're going to be late.  This will enable your hair cutter to move things around a bit, if possible, to ensure you still get adequate time to receive a great service.

Being Rude
 I would never ever be rude to  my barber They could really mess up my day if I make them mad!  It amazes me how some folks will sit down and treat the person who is about to cut their hair with complete disrespect.  If you're having a bad day, always try to leave it at the door.  Do you really want the person who has your looks in his hands to hate you?  Think about it!   Knowing how to talk to your barber or stylist is key!

Making the most of your salon visit requires knowing what you want, great communication, and making sure not to make your barber or stylist hate you!

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